Nice. Although depending on how he runs it, it might only clean out the current directory. Also adding force and quiet flags as well as @echo...
If you have a login name, that would be helpful.
Well, everyone's got their own preference.
I don't know if this is surprising or not, but you're the first I've heard recommend symantic while being serious about it. It's laughed at in...
I agree with xpi0t0s. Bypassing a school firewall is one thing, but bypassing a workplace firewall could get you into trouble because: a) They...
Stop asking about CMD already. If you want to know what it can do, learn batch. If you seriously want to get yourself into a world of trouble,...
lol is that seriously a referral link?
Well, avast has more real-time protection than the free version of adaware 2008, but I usually use them together because I like adaware's scanner... already have a thread for this: The reason nobody's answering is because this is not an...
Sorry. I don't answer the "hack my school" questions. How to bypass excessive access restrictions? Sure, but not much beyond that. It's just...
Symantec is terrible, plain and simple.
I meant installing firefox to your thumb drive. Look into portable apps.
Well, here's one example. Say my email has been hacked and the hacker is using it to reset all my passwords to my other accounts. The email...
Set up an ssh server on your home computer, install putty and firefox to your flash drive, then set firefox to tunnel through your ssh connection ;)
Such as anything falling on the ethical side of gray hat hacking. It's a touchy area, but I'm more sure of it's existence than I am of its...
I'm not sure I would classify this as totally black hat... I can see a few ethical purposes for undetectable trojans. As far as trojans go,...
Nobody ever wants to use a rat on a friend's computer. lol Look into subseven.
You should have the option of adding that client to avast's ignore list.
Then assuming that I'm understanding you correctly... these are ethical hacking forums, and it doesn't sound like you have any permission to...
I didn't say that it's no good, just that I haven't met anyone who's used it, so I can't give you much of an assessment either way.
Separate names with a comma.