Hi, Without going through your code in great detail, I've a few points - 1) I'm not too sure if you can authenticate the way you are doing,...
I see that you've given content type to be text-html, in which case, the newline is defined by the <br> tag and not \n. For \n to be converted to...
Hi, To be able to directly create an excel sheet, you need to use a module such as Spreadsheet::WriteExcel , which requires a good knowledge of...
$string =~ s!&(\S+)!{$1}!g; ## $string contains the string
1) There is no Spreadsheet module at CPAN. There are 100s of other modules such as Spreadsheet::Perl, Spreadsheet::Read etc. which do the job....
By whatever little information you have posted, I assume that it could also be that the codes BE, AT stand for some state or city or locale in the...
I've not worked with the shopping cart you've mentioned, so I won't be able to suggest you a solution straight away. However, going by the details...
#!usr/bin/perl use strict; my $file_name="file.txt"; open (R, $file_name); while(<R>){ print $_; } close R;...
Your question does not seem to be a Perl specific question, with the details you have provided. You need to provide more details like which module...
Go through and...
Most likely, the PATH system variable has not been populated by the path of perl.exe. Go to command prompt, go to the directory where your perl is...
When in doubt ask Wiki :p
Hi, I just came across the Perl 5 Cheat Sheet (a handy reference for beginners not yet used to the language) at...
Separate names with a comma.