I have been waiting for one day and no response this fourm is already not what it used to be . I guess I need to go with others .
Hello all of you . I'll try to explain what I want as clear as possible and if there will be some type of things that yo are unclear with...
Hello there. I am building my portfolio web-site and for it I need to use a reagistration form . On many web sites I have seen pop up...
Hello there . I am developing my PHP-MySQL site locally on XAMPP installed. And I am creating databses and tables in my MySQL databse ....
Hello there . Please could you tell me what IDEs are considered to be top IDEs for web development mainly for PHP ? Thanks in advance!!!
Please just delete "echo"-s in front of change functions .. even in that case it didnt work
Hello there. Here is my php code class car{ static $one=1; static function change() { self::$one=self::$one++; } } car::$one=2;...
Hello ...I just was trying to output the file names of different folders in my PC using PHP code...But I found that it outputs actually more than...
No.My problem is not related to that CMSes.I would like to know apart from that already powerfull cms how devlopers organize the content and how...
Separate names with a comma.