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If you have a dynamic IP, you can turn off and on your router.
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The newline character is in the buffer from hitting the the enter key.
OK, I'm running XP with a Basic 104 Dell keyboard, same as this one
I want to make a C program that will read in the arrow keys. I see they don't have ascii codes. Can someone explain how I could go about it?
Yes, there is. If anyone reading is interested you need to add this to the compile command: -Wl,-subsystem,windows Regards.
Thanks DaWei. I have tried using the gcc compiler from command prompt and it worked, except a console of window appears along with that window...
I'm reading a tutorial on creating Windows applications It doesn't give any compiler specific...
You could do a print screen and paste it into something like MS Word.
How do I title my console apps in C?
Separate names with a comma.