Hi. i just got my account hacked while i was playing cod4 and talking to my friends. I tried to sign in and it said membership wasnt valid. I looked and my email wasnt in microsoft's database. It said that my gamertag was recovered on another profile but he hadnt signed in yet. I told microsoft and they said "too bad" (in a nicer way of course). Is there anything i can do to get it back?
Sadly I too have been hacked and it was on the wonderful evening of Friday March 13th and 6 pm I'm sure the person who did it has the Gamertag The Nub Slayer, my gamertag is SnaaackPack and it still is along with the email that wasn't changed which is Kenshinizraw@hotmail.com unfourtunately the hacker did change the password and actually managed to figure out my secret answer and changed that too If there is anyone who can help please message me on the gamertag Fear Chance or msn at Microboxer@hotmail.com I'm actually incredibly fond of my account and don't even have an account worth hacking which is why I don't know why someone would hack it...the gamer score is 17465 the guy actually got on my account today and I managed to join his party while he was trying to sell my account and I even asked for it back and he said there is no way you are getting your account back
hi im knight i know how you feel i got hacked to i was just wondering if someone could help me it is my account i had it since xbox live came out so if you could help me i would be so grateful i cant sign in the email is kingdomofhearts1232@hotmail.com it got hacked my pass word is switched pLZ help me!!
hey first post but bad news mine account been hacke they actually not jsut changed the password they deleted the e-mail all together ive sent a e-mail to xbox there gamertag was NOW dizza or sumink like that PLEASE HELP!!!!!
My account just got hacked before. My XBL account Drow Renegade. I made another account and I msgd my account after I was unable to login and he sent me a voice msg back laughing at me and telling me I could never get my account back. If anyone knows a way to get an account back please send me an email on guy_vanacker@hotmail.com
hi i have recently suffered a similar problem and i am wondering how you were able to find out your hackers hotmail address as i would like to do the same. Thanks
my xbox live account also was hacked. Microsoft of course does not help. the frst time i called they hung up because i mentioned HACKED. I have never ever gave out any information to anybody. this guy must be a good hacker. but he has changed only my assword of my email. not the actual account. I had left for a week of camping to come back to see my account was gone. i tried to recover but nothing so if anyone could help it would be great. p.s. its a year payed account.:nonod:
My account has been Recently hacked I called xbox and they just locked my account, I was using a Hotmail account my password and secret question has been changed any help on how to get my email and or account back.
Basicly Guys, If You Read the terms And Conditions When You Signed Up For A Xbox/Hotmail account, It Says that Microsoft Is Not Responsible For The Loss Of your Acoount. The Only Way That They Would Do Anything Is If They Actually Entered Microsofts Servers And Stole The Passwords. There Really Isn't Anyway You Can Get It Back Unless you Can Get Hold Of there IP And Put A Keylogger On there...
ok thanks for the udate an seacoundly it is very possible to steal an account it has happened to me 2x so dont go an say its not i just signed up for this site so that i can get help to gety mine back cux about a half hour ago it happened some kid took it and changed my email and password:cuss:
ill give ya a tip dude if u go to xbox.com go to wear it says sign an if they didnt change ur email an only ur password put ur email in an say forgot password an if any luck when the email comes in it will allow u to change ur password an may give u the new password the hacker put in but if that dont work call microsoft dont mention hack they eill hange up just tell them ur account was stolein
Hey guys this is my first time to this site i need to knw how to take my account back that was stole today an this is the 2nd time its happened....i dont wana have to call microsoft again an deal with there bs that they have to look in to it i wana knw how to do this without callin microsoft an possibally lock it myself so these asshole hackers dont still my account on xbox again! so if anyone can plz help and knw im not one of those asshole acoount stealers if i came to this site for help dosent mean i wana steal someones account i dont even knw how to
And my account that gat stolein is jarheadkiller18 i mean i did nothing to this kid an the little bitch took it while i was playing
Im Not Saying It Isn't possible For Accounts To Be Stolen. I Really Doubt A Hardcore MOFO Hacker Is Going To Hack A Microsoft Server And Take Your Account. He Would Want All Of Them. Give You Guys A Few Tips ---------------------- 1. THERE IS NO FREE MS OR GAMER POINTS POINTS!!! 2. Don't Download "Modders" Or Crap Like That, Most Likely Keylogger. 3. NEVER EVER PUT YOU LIVE ID AND PW INTO A SITE THAT IS NOT MICROSOFT SITE!!! THAT'S HOW YOU GUYS LOSE YOUR ACCOUNTS!!!!
hi im new to this site as well. my live account was also... somewhat, hacked. a kid sent me a message stating to me he was an employee of microsoft. he told me that he could somehow obtain microsoft points and add them to my account. he seemed to know what he was talking about and after a while i said ok. he asked for my email and password. i admit it was dumb to give it to him but for whatever reason i thought it would work out. about 10 minutes later i was signed out and my password was changed. he called my house phone line 3 time cursing and yelling "how does it feel to be hacked!!!". i have friends who hack. that was not a hack. it was an outright lie and he manipulated me. the police have been involved and they are pursuing it under identity theft and harassment...although i dont know if they are actually going to be able to do anything...im just looking for some help..from anyone. microsoft hasnt helped in the least bit dispite the fact that one of there chief editors had his account hack and wrote an article on it. i just need some help from some one...anyone. my email is irdabestsniper@live.com please help.
My xbox live account was also hacked. I was hoping either immortal or hacker4lyf could help get it back. I called microsoft and they didnt do jack shit about it. But i remember that they gave me the hackers email the first time i called. I have to call them again b/c i forgot. But i was hoping if i posted it here that someone could help me get it back. My GT is ncm00, 0s are zeros.Let me know if anyone can help.
ok, look i'll try call in a couple of favours from a mate at microsoft and see what he can do. i can't promise anything.