I need help on a program I am currently creating as I am trying to use a foreach statement on a DataGridView & loop through the rows & cells. I...
I need help on a program I am currently creating as all I am trying to do is read all the cells in the datagrid to see if there are any null...
Can someone please help me on this problem. I am trying to send the updated changes to the sql database when I remove a row. I use the delete...
I have a program where am trying to access a dataset in the main form from a 2nd Winfrom. I have created a form 1 ref but when I use this to...
I would like ask for some advice please, I am trying to create a program in c# and have the following problem. I am currently trying to loop...
Thanks for the reply, please find below the main part of the code that I am using to create and add the checkbox column to the datagrid which is...
Can someone please help me with the following problem. I currently have a datagrid linked to an sql database and in the grid I have a ckeckbox...
Can someone please help me with the following problem. I am trying to create a program in .NEt 2003 which connects to a database table in SQL...
I am currently trying to use the delete method and then the accept changes method but am having problems. I am trying to locate a row in the...
I was hoping that someone could assist me in the following. I have created a dataset in c# and have bound this to a datagrid and I want to...
Can someone help me with the following please. I am currently doing a project and I have to creat a XML file for the layout of the database. I...
Can anyone give me any advice on the following. Am trying to create code that shows the correct set of details when the Id number is entered....
Am currently trying to create code that clears a text box after a message box is shown when a nonnumeric digit is entered. The code am using...
Can someone please give me some advise on the following. I am currently doing a project where I have to store students records and I have to...
Can anyone please suggest any help with the following program. I need to create a program that prints an ellipse on the left side of the page...
From what ive learn't I know that I can write a message on the screen at 5 second intervals by using 'private void MyHandler(object sender,...
Can any one shine some light on this problem that I Have. Am currently doing an assignment and I have to create a program that prints an...
Can anybody help with the following subject please Ive made a program in C++ and stated that there is a header file (headerfile.h)to be used....
Could someone please help me with the following code: Inout_file.seekp(((long)-1 * sizeof(int)), ios::cur); // offset...
Separate names with a comma.