Hi I feel more than glad to let you all know about a recent change that Google introduced in it's webmaster tool. The search engine firm has just added a new option for downloading latest links acquired by you for your website in the webmaster tool. This new option in form of a new button that says 'Download latest link'. Links will be appearing in the webmaster tool sorted by date discovered by Google and by using the download button a user will be able to download the latest link. What do you say guys, will this move prove to be of any help for the web masters? Or is it just another effort of Google to upgrade it's brand value, especially after recent quotes about the firm since Marissa Mayer left Cheers :charming: Maneet Puri
When I downloaded this, it was not just the latest links but was in fact all the links that are also shown when I "Download more sample links". The only difference is that they are in date order, starting with the most recent. What I did find interesting is that when I checked my "Linking domains" list on 18/07 it was showing 2 new domains added from 17/07. But when I look at the "Latest Links" list these were found by Google on 29/06 and 03/07. So that means there was a delay of between 15 - 20 days between Google finding the links and them being added to Webmaster Tools.
As to how useful it could be, I don't know really. I download the "Linking domains" list whenever the total number changes, so that I can see where any new links have come from and what links I may have lost, so for me this additional information isn't really giving me anything extra. I'm not sure why they didn't just add the date to the existing option rather than having a new, separate one, and in fact am not sure why they added it at all. I haven't read anywhere of people calling for this feature.
@ozsubasi I can understand your concerns very well as google can be a bit confusing when it comes to implementing new strategis However, we should stay assured that there must be going on something in the planning tunnel of the search engine giant! This latest feature will allow you to differenciate your links based on date as some of us are never interested in their old links! What i strongly feel is that this is another way for Google to monitor bad links...
I am no longer assured that whatever Google is doing is for the best. It may be the best for Google themselves, but not necessarily for everyone else I'm not sure how displaying the date links were found is going to them monitor bad links, could you explain that please?
Hmm..seems like you have been carrying an anti-Google campaign within yourself lately This latest addition to the Web master tool will assist you in: Organizing your links based on the date Time taken for a placed link to get indexed You can also keep a check on Negative SEO as you will be able to detect links that you have not worked on yet. Hope this helps
Meh seems like a bit of a gimmick to fill the void of a disavow links button that Bing introduced for no apparent reason.
Not all, I am not "anti-Google" I am just realistic. They are in business to make money the same as I am How is organizing my links based on the date or knowing how long they take to get indexed actually going to help me, i.e. what can I do now that I have that information that I couldn't do before? Regarding negative SEO, again I don't see how knowing the date a link was placed makes any difference. As I explained, I can track new links easily already by monitoring the "linking domains". The actual date they were added doesn't seem to me to make any difference, all I need to know is that they have been added since the last time I checked. Don't get me wrong, in some ways the more data available the better, but I am just questioning how useful this really is and why it has been provided now. There are plenty of people waiting for the "link disavow" tool for example, and I would have thought that was a higher priority.
I think that is rather unfair to Bing. They are after all in competition with Google and have made a number of improvements to their webmaster tools, this being one of them. It is true to say that they haven't sent out unnatural links warnings or launched the equivalent of Penguin, so that people were not asking them for such a tool. But they have taken the opportunity to get in front of Google for once by providing it, and I don't think that will have done them any harm.
Not unfair to Bing its just the truth. They had no reason for disavowing links only for a brownie point in beating Google to it. Props to them for doing however it has no effect on their search results. I am all for competition anyway we can't let Google run a monopoly. Cake is for sharing!
Bing have said that they will use the information gathered from the tool, and together with getting in front of Google for once these are I think good reasons for launching it from their point of view. As for it having no effect on their search results, they haven't said that, only that "You should not expect a dramatic change in your rankings" which isn't quite the same thing.