Hi every one, im blackrolf and i want to know if anyone can help me... i want to access to all files in my school server... i know the ip and i can acces the server but there is some folders that are not accessibles i cant enter in these folders i think because i dont have right to enter on them because im not administrator... can anyone help me
If you can't see the folder. Maybe you can input the full path in the address bar then input enter. I thought maybe you can access this folder.
i can see them but when i click on them they say that there is an error and i dont have the rights to see this folder... and if i write the directory in the bar the same message apear.
Means you don't have root or administrator access. If you have connection to the FTP you could try cracking it with a program like Hydra. However that can take a long time, try to scan for open ports with a piece of software like NMAP and if you have any success with finding an open port there is a chance to exploit the network. Telnet use to be the way to get into networks with simply an open port and an IP however telnet is not installed/activated on alot of new systems. However there are some vulnerability scanners out there, however you shouldn;t use many tools to do these kind of things.