I typed this in to notepad and saved it as a .bat file. is there something that has to trigger this virus or what?? It has been a week and my teacher hasnt had any problems yet. :lipsrseal
i dont know if i would trust someone with that since it's difficult to do just incase your comp starts to slow down too quikly
Program is executed The Goto statement sends it back to the top and according to the flow of execution comes back to Goto which again sends it to the top
i select antivirus software as miniproject......please send any books that are related to my project and also your rabbit virus :snore::nice:
Actually there are no books on how to make a antivirus... and a Antivirus is not t all a mini project... I'll be writing a articles on How does antivirus works...(if shabbir accepts) So , Stay tuned
I would be interested to know how this file can be transmitted and executed without the computer owner / user having to consciously open that file and execute. ie: how this file can be hidden and possibly automatically executed?
Unfortunately there is no way of executing the program automatically.. The method we can apply is that we can bind the virus to a program (like notepad) and when the user opens notepad ... Unknowingly he'll execute the virus too.. This will lead to the execution of virus... I'll be writing a article on this soon... SO stay tuned...
i think rabbit virus is called so because it multiples itself.even the other name fork() bomb imply in this way...like (each process is dividing itself into two) .fork () is a function on linux systems which do this task of creating child from parent. 1 process 2 process 4 process 8 process if you put that fork() inside loop you can have real fork bomb
dude that's like the most basic thing ever it's clasic entering <represents the "object"> the following <the code to use> the end <which in this case is a goto loop> it picks up a random service, .exe and starts it going on n on n on til you'r pc is crashed i've tried things like this a lot and you can stop them by restarting imediatly. unless it's programmed to start with winlogon <that would be really bad>
:s is defining the function s START %0 %0 is the name of the batch file so start %0 is calling Starting the batch job again. GOTO :s simply is returning to the start of function s an endless loop that starts its self on every pass so after 10 loops you have 10 new batch jobs running, each of which are starting new jobs, it is a resource exhaustion exploit, not a virus more of a local denial of service. the bash fork bomb ){ :|:& };: is much more elegant, but essentially does the same thing.
:s is defining the function s START %0 %0 is the name of the batch file so start %0 is calling Starting the batch job again. GOTO :s simply is returning to function s an endless loop that starts its self on every pass so after 10 loops you have 10 new batch jobs running, each of which are starting new jobs, it is a resource exhaustion exploit, not a virus more of a local denial of service. the bash fork bomb ) { : | : & } ; : is much more elegant, but essentially does the same thing.