HEY im trying to take input from textbox and then i want to run a query in query in want to search that value suppose my textbox name is txtInput.text n query which i want to run Code: string connectionString = "Data Source =USER-PC\\SQLEXPRESS1;Initial Catalog=inFlowInventory; Integrated Security=SSPI"; using (SqlConnection testConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand testCommand = [B][COLOR="Red"]new SqlCommand("SELECT customer FROM Customer where customer =txtInput.Text", testConnection);[/COLOR][/B] testConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader sqlDr =testCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); if (sqlDr.HasRows) { foreach (DbDataRecord rec in sqlDr) { dbRecordHolder.Add(rec); } } CustomerNameGrid.DataSource = dbRecordHolder; }
LOL actually the .Net Zombie was busy with work. Try setting up Parameters like this.. Code: SqlCommand testCommand =new SqlCommand("SELECT customer FROM Customer where customer =@testCust", testConnection); testCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@testCust",txtInput.Text);
Can u tel me 1 more thng i want to use Datagrid view as a Input of data n use of some qurey supose table column are item, descrptn, price, quantity i want to add 1 more Column which wil do da calculation lyke Total column which wrk iz to calculate da value in Run Tyme price*quantity as Total how can i perform that during insert query tyme
Code: gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Calc"].Value=Convert.ToInt32(gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Price"].Value)*Convert.ToInt32(gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Quantity"].Value); to make the calculation on the grid itself, the rowIndex is the variable i made up to represent the selectedIndex of the row. (CurrentRow.Index) then during query time you can add gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Calc"].Value as a parameters. or you can Code: int Price=Convert.ToInt32(gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Price"].Value) int Quality=Convert.ToInt32(gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Quantity"].Value); and add the parameter like this Code: SQLCommand insertCommand=new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblTable(Total) VALUES(@Total)",sqlConn); insertCommand.Paramaters.AddWithValue("@Total",Price*Quality);
rowIndex is a local variable which stores the GridView Controls property CurrentRow.Index. *sorry for taking a while to respond, have been busy*
Code: int rowIndex=gridView.CurrentRow.Index; int Price=Convert.ToInt32(gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Price"].Value) int Quality=Convert.ToInt32(gridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Quantity"].Value); SQLCommand insertCommand=new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblTable(Total) VALUES(@Total)",sqlConn); insertCommand.Paramaters.AddWithValue("@Total",Price*Quality); insertCommand.Conn.Open(); insertCommand.ExecuteNonReader(); insertCommand.Conn.Close();