im a having a hard time seting up clock for MFC text box... I would like my text box dispay timer from 10:00 up to 00:00 .. hope someone can help I really do need it thx alot in advance....:happy:
This is what i would like to happen.. i got 1 textbox and 1 command box.. once 1 click my command box i would like for my textbox to start counting down from 10 minutes up to 0 minutes.. i tried using Sleep(1000) function but it doesnt work ..
No thats not the way. Have 2 variables for Minutes and Seconds and start counting them down each time that function is called. Use the WM_TIMER event to be used for that function
well thanks. im just recently started learning MFC and sad thing about that is no is teaching me.. i'll just try to learn what WM_TIMER event does..... thx again... ^^
Hope this not too much.. can you write me s simple program using Settimer... i cant understand anything writen on the web about settimers and making a countdown timer... if its ok.. really do appreciate it ^^,,,,
Add ON_WM_TIMER() in BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP And then the following Function void CTestDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent) Also there should be a variable called m_seconds And then in that function increase for every seconds tick
i dont know if this is right... void CtimerDlg::OnBnClickedButton1() { UINT sec; char u[90]; CString y; sec=SetTimer(60,1000,0); sprintf(u,"%d",sec); y=u; a.SetWindowText(y); } is the value of sec will decrease from 60-0 every second upon clicking my command button? but how can i update the value of my text box every second?
thx a lot shabbir.. but i think i need to study MFC w/ pictures cause i can see what youre saying.. sry for being so noobish... thx alot for you help...