:thinking: I want to know scanf statement does not wait for a input in compiler? or when it takes more input than the fixed number of input?? I use Microsoft visual studio 6.0
Could you rephrase the question please, because it doesn't make any sense. scanf gets input from the user, I don't understand what "scanf statement does not wait for a input in compiler" means. scanf doesn't wait for anything from the compiler. Are you having a problem with some code?
Many thanks. Here is the detailed information. I am executing a infinite while loop. now I want check a character input to justify whether the user is still interested tu carry on the loop. But here the scanf is not working. thanking again
use getche() rather than scanf command for Character inputs. like Code: char ch; ch=getche(); printf("%c",ch);
Thanks for help. But I have tried that one. But it still does not work. Is there any other solution? Thanking you Amit
How exactly doesn't it work? What doesn't it do that you want it to? Do you want the check for user input to pause the loop, or do you want the loop to continue running while a check for user input is made?
use this int a=1; while (a==1) { printf("Enter Any Number Accept 1"); scanf("%d",&a); } above one is giving u infinit loog but when the user give input 1 than it's terninate.
But I was trying to take input a character in the same way. I have already applied the technique that you suggested for me. But I want to take a character. Is there any way in the same manner?? Thanking you in advance
for charachtor Code: main(); char another='y'; while (another=='y') { printf("Type Any charactor Except y "); another=getche(); } }
The way that you suggested me, exactly in the same way I have tried. but it did not do the trick for me. if I use fflush then it takes a input. But why it does not take without fflush?
Ur question is not clear.if u want to take a character during the loop then you can take it like this.It is working fine char ch='Y'; printf("Do U want to continue loop ?Press Y:N"); while(ch=='Y') { scanf("%c",&ch); fflush(stdin); }
You still haven't explained how or why our suggestions don't work. A shot in the dark: are you asking if it's possible to check the keyboard without stopping the while loop from running? If the problem with scanf is that it stops processing while it waits for input?
Scanf reads input overflows from preious input statements. Use scanf with care i would suggest. Or use a space in front of the control string in scanf("%c",...) as scanf(" %c",...). This destroys the previous input buffer.