How do you... 1.) Do a freehand drawing while using number keys: Ex: 1: NW 2: North 3: NE 4: East...etc... 2.) Go to row or col using arrow keys... Up down left right
Following code return the scan code of the key hit Code: include <dos.h> getkey() { union REGS i, o; while(!kbhit()); i.h.ah = 0; int86(22,&i,&o); return o.h.ah; } Now the code can help you to get the Scan code of the required number and then grphics programming can help you draw the object.
How can I move the cursor using the numbers and switch so you can type measurements without moving the cursor. For example... 1: NW 2: North 3: NE 4: East Pressing the number 1 moves you northwest....then when you type a letter, like s for shape (it will ask for dimensions) can type numbers normally again without moving the cursor.... in normal C language....
Blinking cursor I guess....moving the part where you type up then when you type s and enter....the direction keys 1-9 now function back as number keys again and you can type the dimensions of whatever shape you like...
Enter a line break where you want to place the cursor and then make gotoxy to that location and then print a character or two at the last and the cursor should remain there.
I'm still having problems with my cursor...It is going off in random you have a code for it?