hello im new to this site recently my windows live id was hacked which in turn ment my xbox live account got hacked. I need help to get it back. I called microsoft they couldn't help me. The kid changed all of my account information. Im writing this post becasue i want attention im writing this post becasue i want my account back the kid still hasn't changed my gamertag is AnGeIBeLoW in angel its an i at the end not an l angeibelow. I found out his new email its cmhimmelein@yahoo.com i hope that can help send me a private message if you can get the information or also you can contact me at khaisongarrett@gmail.com :cryin: i need my account back :cryin: please help me
First how advanced are you at hacking. Second email him. Might be safer to create a free account on gmail or something to email him. Try to make an email that he responds to then when you get the email back from him. Do full headers or open source to find his ip. Then you can post that here and we can then do all sorts or crap to him.
lol u know what i think? i think this guy is lying think about microsoft will help anyone if a account has been hacked and u telling me they can help u is false second of all u probably just saw this guys account
wow thats all i have to say im speachless. Im new to this site i don't like to start problems and you call me a lier. Buddy i ahve nothing against you. Why are you going to false aqusations without sufficient evidence. You ahve no evidence what so ever to base your opinion kid would you think before you type next time "XXxximortalxxX". imortal your opinion is irralavent to me. heres a shiny quarter keep quiet. I have no reason to lie im a son of god. Im not that kinda of person. you make your own perception of me the day i amke an account thats amazing. XXxximortalxxXX pwned and thanks microapple for your help i really appreciate it
k im sry i shoud have never said lier im very very sry plz forgive me its just that so many ppl ask us to hack this for them and say its there but seeing htat they know they cant hack it they get someone that can and try to trick us to send them there account details im very very sry please forgive me and just for my intrustion i will be glady to help you also i have a xbox live account add me as a freind if u wish XXxxScytherxxXX
well imortal excuse me for my ignorance i kinda over did it im sorry but its not that i didn't call microsoft but they can't help me the kid changed all my account information plus the 4 digit code im not lying if you were to look at the orignal info and the new one you could tell but its either i have the 4 didgit pass or they don't help but if i can't axcess my account how am i going to ???? miccrosoft is wow i did some hacking myself i found out he lives in hickory, north carolina my gamertag that got hacked is AnGeIBeLoW in angei its an i not l found out his et is is it cmhimmelein@yahoo.com thats his yahoo thats also his windows live id i have his password also sorry i over did it ima pc u my email is khaisongarrett@gmail.com
You could try as a last resort to report him through his windows live id, but unless you have TROUGH THE GROUND hard evidence they're not going to listen...
everytime i explain the situation to windows live their response is they give me the number to xbox support vice versa which is pointless ive looked at all my options
Im srry 2 say, but without that code or anything there's not much you can do... You could try phishing, but I would give a 99% chance that that wouldn't work... srry...
man are you serious :surprised you almost got my account back man i fuckin love you (nohomo) i love you i owe you my life any time anyone mess with you they got to deal with me when you get the account just send me a message on here a private message with the email and current password make sure its a private message
i also got hacked the other day and called microsoft and they found out the email address and it is Scab_8N_Andy@hotmail.com