To split the values in a string using a delimiter (like comma) and put the split values in the form of a table column. This will be useful when trying to use in clause in SQL. To split the values in a string using a delimiter (like comma) and put the split values in the form of a table column. This will be useful when trying to use in clause in SQL. Note that the Delimiter used in the function can be set to any value as per user's choice. It can also be made an input parameter. User can choose the option according to requirement Code: CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitInputStrToColumn](@InputStr varchar(max)) returns @outputtable TABLE (items varchar(max)) as begin declare @idx int declare @Delimiter varchar(max) declare @slice varchar(max) set @Delimiter = ',' select @idx = 1 if len(@InputStr)<1 or @InputStr is null return while @idx!= 0 begin set @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@InputStr) if @idx!=0 set @slice = left(@InputStr,@idx - 1) else set @slice = @InputStr if(len(@slice)>0) insert into @outputtable(Items) values(@slice) set @InputStr = right(@InputStr,len(@InputStr) - @idx) if len(@InputStr) = 0 break end return end
Please do not paste something from other sites.
Hi Shabbir, I don't know about other website, this is the code which me and my team has implemented in our application, may be they got it from there, just thought to share it.
Its fine but if you have some code which is not yours you should always give credit to the original author when sharing with others.