hello frnds, how can i take picture of user using web cam pure silently(without know by user) in vb6, i have maken a application that can take pic of user normly but it take picture only when it shows in picture box or image box,if i hide my form or minimize it then it doesnt take the picture only a black pic comes, i m searching this code frm many times on intrnt but could'nt find any solution, i found only one code that is same what i want but that is in c#, u can see that at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/ cs/Cap...zedWindow.aspx but i need this code in vb6 plz plz plz help me, thanks
you can always make the help of external API's and stuff try ffmpeg [do not know weather there's a proper API] but can use the binary version to redirect a stream of images from a capture device to a folder