I have been working as a software developer for 17 years with programming languages C++ and Python, and I am passionate about identifying and fixing software bugs. Here's what I can do for you: Troubleshooting existing software (e.g. memory leaks, crashes, compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, etc.). Implementing your projects, including active websites, desktop applications, mobile apps for Android/iOS, as well as trading strategies and indicators. Strengthening your team if you’re short on programmers (I am also available to work on weekends). The following frameworks I use regularly: Qt, Backtrader, Matplotlib, Web.py, and others. While a program crash is a challenge for many, for me, it’s a joy to start the debugger and look for the cause. It’s always a satisfying feeling to solve a problem – in over 17 years, I have yet to find a bug I couldn’t fix. I also accept payments in cryptocurrencies. Contact via Telegram: @softwarebughunter My resume can be found here: