Hello, I am doing a matrimonial project in java server pages. So what i want is searching method should be displayed 4 rows and 4 coumns.Rremaining items should be accessed through by clicking next to see the next page. Could someone please help me?urgent.please. bye kunju
Its simple. Just fetch n+4 no of results starting from n where n is the page number passed as the paramter to the page via the url or form. n defaulting to 0 will be the first page.
Reply Hello First of all let me say thanxfor reply.Could you pls give me a simple example showing the data from the database in matrix model.It will bevery helpful me to understand. Thanx, bye kunju
I have never really used JSP, and its been a long time since I worked on MS Access. But I can surely help you out with the logic. Rtrieve 16 rows from the table, by using something like this SELECT TOP 16 * FROM table Loop through the record set, and print 4 <tr>s containing 4<td>s each, like this. Code: print "<table>"; i=0 while(!ors.EOF) { if(i==0) print "<tr>"; print "<td>"+data+"</td>"; i++; if(i==4) { print "</tr>"; i=0; } } print "</table>"; For pagination, i.e. showing in pages, you'll have to pass the current page no. in the query string, which can the be used to retrive records and show in pages something like this. cur_page=page_no_frm_q_string; all the work is in the query that you make. I guess you have to set ors.PageSize and then retrive the current page. Guess this should be informative http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=209126 .