plz help me guyzz....pls modify this....this code should have two balls and wen they bump each other they go in separate ways.... i need it as soon as possible guyzz help...thanx Code: #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { int gdriver=DETECT, gmode, r, col, row, pathx, pathy,speed; int forecolor, bkcolor, linecolor; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"C:\\TCLITE\\BGI"); randomize(); r=random(40)+10; col=r+random(640-2*r); row=r+random(480-2*r); forecolor=random(14)+1; bkcolor=random(14)+1; linecolor=random(14)+1; speed=random(5)+1; pathx=(pathy=speed); setbkcolor(bkcolor); while (!kbhit()) { col+=pathx; row+=pathy; setcolor(linecolor); circle(col,row,r); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,forecolor); floodfill(col,row,linecolor); delay(10); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,bkcolor); floodfill(col,row,linecolor); setcolor(bkcolor); circle(col,row,r); col+=pathx; row+=pathy; if (col+r>640) pathx=-(speed); if (row+r>480) pathy=-(speed); if (col-r<0) pathx=speed; if (row-r<0) pathy=speed; } closegraph(); }
I edited the code to put the syntax highlighting syntax. Reading will help you. Also regarding your query it looks like you are looking for a solution but did not mention where exactly the problem you are facing or what is the nature of the problem. Please clarify on this so that we can help you in this regard.
i need a code dat has 2 balls coz this code has only one ball and when the 2 balls bump each other they will go in separate way...