I am using a popup window in this I may be having n number of input checkboxes(here I have taken 4) like this <input type='checkbox' name='comments1' value='0' /> so I will be naming it comments1, comments2, and so on..... and now to return it's values to parent window I am using this function function Done() { if (comments1.checked) MyArgs[1][0] = 1; else MyArgs[1][0] = 0; if (comments2.checked) MyArgs[1][1] = 1; else MyArgs[1][1] = 0; if (comments3.checked) MyArgs[1][2] = 1; else MyArgs[1][2] = 0; if (comments4.checked) MyArgs[1][3] = 1; else MyArgs[1][3] = 0; window.returnValue = MyArgs; window.close(); } now can do something like if ( comments + i . checked) (not exactly like this ) I want to put it in a loop until the length of comments ( that is may be 1 .. 10, length I can determine) .
You can loop through the form elements and use a bit of regular expression to get as many checkbox values you want. Example: Code: var myArgs[1] = {}; fucntion Collect(oForm) { var e=oForm.elements; for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++) { if(e[i].type="checkbox" && e[i].name.match(/^comments([\d]+)$/)) { if(e[i].checked) myArgs[1][RegExp.$1] = 1; else myArgs[1][RegExp.$1] = 0; } } //calling the function Collect(document.forms[0]); Hope this is useful. http://spradeep.blogspot.com
thx for reply pradeep, actually I have completed that task by some other way, but what you have given is intresting I would like to work on it later...and ask any doubts one immediate for me when I am looking at script is ( as not aware of RE in java script) ' RegExp.$1' do I need to place it as it is or is there any to I need to replace there..