hello... i'm stil new with linux and unix... plz help me and guide me on how to start learn UNiX and LINUX... anybody...plz.... do emel me n_ilzam030384@yahoo.com
Do you want to use *nix or want to learn the scripting or do some programming or some specific tasks like networking on off ....
1 writing a unix pipeline that prints the eighth line of file d in file z. 2 a user at a terminal types the following commands: a | b |c& D | e | f& after a shell has processed the, how many new processes are running?
1 writing a unix pipeline that prints the eighth line of file d in file z. 2 a user at a terminal types the following commands: a | b |c& D | e | f& after a shell has processed the, how many new processes are running?
chizmo, instead of jumping into some one's old thread and having your query have your own thread for your query
There are several good tutorials online. You can try asking Google. For an initial idea, you can go through this at Linux.com http://www.linux.com/whatislinux/