Hello, Could anyone please help me, I need a code which after the press of a button inputs certain IP Addresses in the Hosts file. Please help, Thanks In advance
I can't seem to edit my post so im just going to add this one. What I really what to do is the hosts file located in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, which is used to map hostnames to ip addresses,I need to input data or a line. eg: # 123.412.423:232 ww.sdwxc.com into it, i can only input data when it is in .txt format but the hosts file is in someother format. What I really need is when i click a button on a program I add a line into the hosts file to block a particular site,but after its done it should be back to its original format. Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
i 'vce no idea what you are trying to do but you can always open any kind of file in to a text stream using the my.computer.readAlltext() function but i muz say that theres a chance of havng gibberish instead what you want after you do your changes use my.computer.writeAllext() to write back you can use the io class as well
yes u can do this,just open host file in append mode as text file nd write in it what u want to, before sometimes i did it to make a simple virus.if u do nt able to do this then tell me i will write full code here
do this:-- Code: Private Sub Command1_Click() fileloc = "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" Open fileloc For Append As #1 Print #1, " www.xyz.com" Close #1 End Sub
this won't work if windows instalation drive is not C:\, so for knowing windows instalation drive u will have to use a API "GetWindowsDirectory