1. how can I get focus on child window 2. exactly why a child window cannot receive any keboard message. please i need these stupid info Thank you
I have Created a child window under main window and i cant get focus in that window as well as i dont receive wm_keyup or wm_keydown and some other keyboard message
Child window is by default on focus and I think there is something really wrong about that. Try creating a simple small project and see if its working as parent child windows
Dear Sabbir, The program is one of the simplest program in the world. It just a main window in the main window I created a Child window (class name is "myCustomClass"). which mean its not built in class (like "edit", "static" or "button"). my child winodw actually work almost like "static". can you help me. I am halting in this shit for long time
Hello Everybody, I found my won solution. The problem I made was I totally Missed SetActiveWindow function. Actuall until I set the child window as active window it wont receive any keyboard message.