i have a question regarding to convert from fortran language to C++ programming especially in diognal array for example; DO 10 I=1,3*(X+2) 10 ID(I)=(I-1)*m+1 how do i convert into C++ programming please someone help me
I'm not clear what the above code has to do with diagonal arrays; ID looks like a simple array to me. How about something like: int ID[SUITABLE_LIMIT]; for (int i=1; i<=3*(x+2); i++) ID=(i-1)*m+1; Don't forget C++ arrays are zero based so SUITABLE_LIMIT must be at least the maximum value of 3*(x+2) PLUS ONE. Also the above loop doesn't initialise ID[0]; watch out for that one, maybe use an array name that indicates it's 1-based rather than zero based, something along the lines of Hungarian Notation but simpler, e.g int ID_nz[..], nz meaning "no zero element". I always end up confusing myself if I use some arrays that are zero based and some that are not, in the same program.
I have a question regarding to convert from fortran language to C++ programming. How I convert into C++ programming , Please someone help me!!! Code: DIMENSION TK(15), PK(15), TC(15),DT(15),DP(15),H(15),PAR(15),Q(15), M(15), PO(15), PO1(15), PO2(15), PI(15), 1 FORMAT (213) 5 FORMAT (2F8.4,I3) 3 FORMAT (3F10.4,I3) 15 FORMAT (///,8F10.5,/) READ (5,1) NG, M1 READ (5,3) A,B,P,M2 READ (5,5) DTF,DPF,Z 25 FORMAT (F10.3) 98 READ (5,25) T IF(T.EQ.0) GO TO 99 DO 100 I=1, NG M(I)=M1+I-1 TK(I)=A*(8*M(I)+M2)**P+8 DT(I)=(M(I)-1)*0.02+DTF TC(I)=TK(I)/(0.567+DT(I)-DT(I)**2) DP(I)=(M(I)-1)*0.227+DPF PK(I)=(14*M(I)+Z)/(DP(I)+0.34)**2 H(I)=(TK(I)/TC(I))*(ALOG10(PK(I))/(1-TK(I)/TC(I))) PAR(I)=ALOG10(PK(I))+H(I)*(1-TC(I)/T) PO2(I)=(14*M(I)+Z)/(82.06*TK(I)) PI(I)=5*(T/TC(I)-1) PO1(I)=PO2(I)*10**PI(I) PO3=1 PO(I)=PO1(I)+PO3*(1-T/TC(I))**0.3 100 Q(I)=10**PAR(I) 20 FORMAT (//,10F10.5,/) WRITE(6,20) T WRITE(6,15) (Q(I),I=1,NG) WRITE(6,6) (PO(I),I=1,NG) 6 FORMAT (///,8F10.6,/) GO TO 98 99 CONTINUE STOP END