I'm facing a trouble when I compile a program... The following error message appear...graphics.h. No such file or directory I having try to put the header into the same folder and the "Include" folder there. But still cannot work. Could anybody please help me to compile the program and make it an execute program and send to my e-mail: lieweffect@yahoo.com Million Thousand of Thank You
You have the code as #include <graphics.h> Which means it will look into the include folders defined in the IDE. What IDE you are using to compile the program.
I have try to code as #include "graphics.h" when the header file is in the same folder.But still cannot work. I using the Dev-C++ to compile the program. Futhermore, there have a lot of error after compile. Could you please help me to fix these error and make as execute program to me.Thank You
I dont have Dev-C++ but if you change to #include "graphics.h" and then also if it could not find then probably you need to be inserting it into the project or something like that for the compilation.
Actually, the code is downloaded from web, there is only one cpp. file only. If possible can you make an exe. file to me Thank You
This is not meant for working in the windows based compilers. You try compiling it in Turbo C3 or Turbo C 2 Dos based compilers.
Then you can try the bloodshed compiler and it works but you probably need to be removing the clrscr.
Thats because probably you dont have the BGI graphics at the correct location. If you see the source code it has Code: initgraph(&driver,&mode,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); //initialize graphics mode and that I edited to point to my location of bgi graphics which was Code: initgraph(&driver,&mode,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi"); //initialize graphics mode and thats probably why it does not run on your system Thanks Shabbir
There was some bug in the program After I add a customer profile and want to view the profile. It give nothing to me. It is any mistake in the database, because it was no record after I added
The program can run properly now. But there have something that is not in logic. How to make some error detection For instance the time column is only accept the number. Yes I have change the data type into int(original is char). But error after compile