I have a big doubt regarding blog writing. I, m just writing short story for my own blog, where I want to add my website link using keyword in anchor text in that story for the purpose of seo promotion. But I'm confused that using hyperlink with anchor text in blog short story is good or bad. if bad then Where to add hyperlink with anchor text.
Where it make sense for your readers to have a link, it should be all fine and rest is all link building crap.
Once are you doing in blog posting long article only more useful , Optimized keyword in your article, and title
Internal Link plays a vital role in SEO Ranking. It will also help to drive traffic 1 > 2 > 3 article like.
When you are putting links in the blog posting the article must be relevant and unique from the users point of view. Add link with the anchor text in the middle of the post. It will work for you and will increase the traffic for your web site.
No it is not at all a bad but if you are adding it is better to add for your targeted keywords that helps to rank better in the search engine