Hey friends, I would like to know where I can find the article writing guidelines/rules on the forum? I am thinking of submitting an article on the forum, so what should be the rules for article to be submitted?
Anything and everything that you would like to contribute as your original work is fine when it comes to submitting. We do not accept copy paste. For more see http://www.go4expert.com/faq.php?faq=guidelines
Iam new to this game and interface thingy. I play hunter and paladin can any 1 recommend me 1 for both even tho they have diffrent playing stlyes.I have a addon but not sure what version or how to check i always get error about the colors and this shows up every time i loot an item form a dead mobinterface/addons/lootlink/looklink.lua string? any 1 know what thats would mean