I have a password protected Office 2007 (*.accde database). If you think you can open it, please email me and I'll send you the rapidshare link. Once opened, please email a screen shot with some random entries and we will talk. Thanks.
Thanks chilliapple for your quick reply. I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules by posting a live link but I have no other choice as for some reason I can't email you privately (you don't have this option enabled on the forum?!). The link is below: http:/rapidshare.com/files/424302702/Robert_s_data.accde Please add the double / / after the http link. Thanks.
Thanks for the link, our team is working on it. We have sent you a private email via the forum and had provided instructions on how to send us a private email to us using the forum. It's quite simple. We will get in touch with you shortly...