Introduction This code once used, it will directly print the data of Text Box to any default selected printers. Adv. - If Printer are on any other server and properly selected, this code will work properly fine. Dis. Adv. - N/A Background To Print Text Directly To Default Printer. Please do the follow steps. Open Visual Basic 6.0 (New Project) Add below references to it. Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library Microsoft Scripting Run Time Add below Componenet to it. Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 (SP6) On Form1, Insert Two Textboxes and One Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 (SP6) Open Code view, copy & paste below code into it. (At your own risk :p) The code Code: Option Explicit Dim FilePath As String '*************************************** ' Module/Form Name : PrntForm ' ' Purpose : To Print The Data ' ' Author : NAIMISH ' ' Date Author Description ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' 08/07/2009 NAIMISH PrntForm will take the data from the screen's textbox and ' print them by using defualt selected printer into the system. '************************************************************************************************* Public Sub PrntForm() Dim objWord As Word.Application Set objWord = New Word.Application Dim oFile As New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim FileExists As Boolean ' Global Variable FilePath = "" ' Check for File existance FileExists = oFile.FileExists("C:\Temp.doc") If Not FileExists = False Then objWord.Documents.Add "C:\Temp.doc", , , True Else MsgBox "Layout file not found.", vbOKOnly, "Temp.doc File Not Found" Exit Sub End If objWord.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("FirstName").Select objWord.Selection.TypeText Text1.Text objWord.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("LastName").Select objWord.Selection.TypeText Text2.Text objWord.ActiveDocument.PrintOut Do While objWord.BackgroundPrintingStatus > 0 Loop Call SaveMyFile 'Get the path to save .doc file 'Save it If Not FilePath = "" Then objWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs FilePath End If objWord.ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges objWord.Quit wdDoNotSaveChanges Set objWord = Nothing End Sub Public Sub SaveMyFile() On Error GoTo errhandler CommonDialog1.CancelError = True CommonDialog1.Filter = "Word Document (*.doc)|*.doc" CommonDialog1.FileName = "" CommonDialog1.ShowSave FilePath = CommonDialog1.FileName Exit Sub errhandler: Select Case Err Case 32755 ' Dialog Cancelled MsgBox "You have cancelled to save the file.", vbOKOnly, "VB 6.0" Case Else MsgBox "Unexpected error. Err " & Err & " : " & Error End Select End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Call PrntForm End Sub
Printing Text Directly To Selected Printer - Article will be posting on this month May Be it will be more useful