-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi all am havin a problem with memory allocation of 2d array can any body help me out ... it goes like this char ** a; in a loop for each time a = new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(a,name); a[strlen(name)+1]='\0'; in a loop i deallocate it with delete[] a; after the loop delete [] a; can any body help me with this ???? thanks in advance...
According to you i run this programm. No problem . Can you specify your problem problem? Code: #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> int main() { char ** a; char *name="Go4Expert"; int i,n=5; for(i=0;i<n;++i) { a[i] = new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(a[i],name); a[i][strlen(name)+1]='\0'; } for(i=0;i<n;++i) { printf("%s",a[i]); } for(i=0;i<n;++i) delete[] a[i]; delete a; return 0; }
i have done it in vc++ this is the code Code: char ** interfaceName; void CIDLDETAILS :: getInterface(char Buff[],int len) //parses the internal interface from the file { int j,k = 0,cnt = 0,count = 0,flag = 0; char keyword[] = Interface; int keywordLength = strlen(keyword); char interfaceNameTemp[60]; interfaceName = new char *[50]; // :confused: for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { for( j = 0 ; j <keywordLength && (keyword[j] == Buff[i+j]); j++) { } if (j == keywordLength) { if(Buff[i-1] == SPACE || Buff[i-1] == NEWLINE) if(Buff[i+j] == SPACE ) { while(Buff[i+j] != SPACE ) { i++; } while(IsCharAlphaNumeric( Buff[j+i+k+1] ) || Buff[j+i+k+1] == UNDERSCORE) { interfaceNameTemp[k] = Buff[j+i+k]; k++; } interfaceNameTemp[k] = Buff[j+i+k]; interfaceNameTemp[k+1] = ENDOFARRAY; count = cnt; flag = 0; while(count != 0) //Avoiding the Duplicate Interfaces { if((strcmp(interfaceNameTemp,interfaceName[count-1])) == 0) { flag = 1; break; } count--; } if(flag == 0) { interfaceName[cnt] = new char[strlen(interfaceNameTemp)+1]; :confused: strcpy(interfaceName[cnt],interfaceNameTemp); :confused: interfaceName[cnt][k+1] = '\0'; :confused: cnt++; } k = 0; } } } m_InterfaceCount = cnt; for(int i = 0; i < cnt ; i++) MessageBox(CString(interfaceName[i])); for(int i = 0; i < m_InterfaceCount ; i++) delete[]interfaceName[i]; :confused: delete []interfaceName; :confused: } am trying to parse a file put the internal interface of the idl file in to the array its running ok but as soon as i close the dialog box an go to the main dialog box its shows #2 stack around the variable m_dlg( which is a dialog object????) is corrupted
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