Introduction How to capture the errors from application and write it in a log file. We have to mention the directory path in Webconfig file. Background This code is to capture the error log in log file with all information. The code Code: public class LogError { private DateTime errorDt; private string src; private Exception errorInfo; public static string strDirectoryPath; public DateTime ErrorDate { get {return errorDt; } set { errorDt = value;} } public string ErrorSrc { get { return src; } set { src = value; } } public Exception ErrorInformation { get { return errorInfo; } set { errorInfo = value; } } public static void Log_Err(string strErrorSource, Exception Ex) { LogError errInfo = new LogError(); errInfo.ErrorDate = System.DateTime.Now; errInfo.ErrorSrc = strErrorSource; errInfo.ErrorInformation = Ex; LogError.LogErr(errInfo); } public static void LogErr(LogError errorDTO) { try { string directoryPath = strDirectoryPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDirectoryPath)) { string path = directoryPath + "\\" + "ErrorLog.txt"; StreamWriter swErrorLog = null; DirectoryInfo dtDirectory = null; if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { dtDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); dtDirectory = null; } if (File.Exists(path)) { swErrorLog = new StreamWriter(path, true); //append the error message swErrorLog.WriteLine("Date and Time of Exception: " + errorDTO.ErrorDate); swErrorLog.WriteLine("Source of Exception: " + errorDTO.ErrorSrc); swErrorLog.WriteLine(" "); swErrorLog.WriteLine("Error Message: " + errorDTO.ErrorInformation); swErrorLog.WriteLine("------------------------------------------- "); swErrorLog.WriteLine(" "); //swErrorLog.WriteLine(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); swErrorLog.Close(); swErrorLog = null; } else { swErrorLog = File.CreateText(path); swErrorLog = new StreamWriter(path, true); //append the error message swErrorLog.WriteLine("Date and Time of Exception: " + errorDTO.ErrorDate); swErrorLog.WriteLine("Source of Exception: " + errorDTO.ErrorSrc); swErrorLog.WriteLine(" "); swErrorLog.WriteLine("Error Message: " + errorDTO.ErrorInformation); swErrorLog.WriteLine("------------------------------------------- "); swErrorLog.WriteLine(" "); swErrorLog.Close(); swErrorLog = null; } } } catch (NullReferenceException) { throw; } } }
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