Functions in SQL Server
In SQL, the set of statements are stored permanently in a function. The functions are user defined functions.
C++ 11: Range based for loop and std::for_each() function
Range based for loop and std::for_each() functions are features of C++ 11 that can help iterate through the elements of a sequence container, like vector, arrays or strings.
Compiling C++ Code
Compiling C++ Source Code
Creating Basic C++ Elements
Basic Elements of C++ Programming
Introduction to C++
Basics of Programming Languages and Introduction to C++
Views in SQL Server
Views are used for restricting data access to the users or making it available for the users with restrictive access from various tables with joins on it.
Execution Plan
In SQL, it is necessary to determine the execution time of the queries. The performance is analyzed using the processing time. It is necessary to take action if the query takes more execution time. The execution plan of SQL helps to find the details of the execution.
C++ 11: Emplacement vs Insertion for STL Containers
Invoking copy constructor in C++ has always imposed huge performance penalty specially when temporary objects are created, copied to another object and the destroying the temporary object.
DML Statements For Data Manipulation
SQL Server offers many DML statements and we will look into adding, updating, deleting data in table as well as retrieving the updated data from table along with data comparison
Extracting Data Using Subqueries
Modified comparison operators are used for checking the values against the specific condition which are returned from the subquery.
C++ 11: Qualifiers for functions: override - final and delete - default
override, final, delete and default identifiers are features of C++ 11 that helps you to handle functions correctly.
C++ 11 nullptr and constexpr
Understanding nullptr and constexpr in C++
Accessing Data in SQL Server
Accessing Data in SQL Server with Expressions, attributes, and calculating the output value from column data
C++ 11 Uniform initialization
C++ has a lot of way of initializing an object but prior to C++11 there was no single way of initialization applicable to all type of objects. That was the motivation to find a single way of initialization in C++11.
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