STL Containers With Examples
Understand Array, Vector, List, Deque, Forward_list, Set, Unordered_set, Multiset class and unordered_multiset, Maps: map, multimap, unordered_map and unordered_multimap, Stack, Queue, Priority_queue classes
C++ Closures: Functors, Lamdas and std::function
Understand closures and compare them to objects, class and understand functors
Advanced C++ : Standard Template Library (STL)
STL is the part of the C++ standard library which provides a rich set of template classes and template functions to make application development faster.
HTML coding environment
In HTML, there are various editors which can be used for coding. In this article, we shall learn about the various editors used in HTML coding.
Basic of C++ Standard Library
The basic overview of C++ standard library stdlib
C++ Extending Operators for User Defined Types
Extending the operators that work on built in data types to user defined data types.
C++ User Defined Data Types
User defined data types using class, struct, union and enum.
Overview and History of HTML
HTML is a markup language which is defined using the markup tags. Let us understand about the tag and versions about HTML n detail
C++ Inbuilt Operators
Basically computer programming is all about data and manipulation of data. The manipulation is called operation and operations are accomplished with the help of functions and operators.
C++ Inbuilt Data Types
C++ basically has seven fundamental data types. Following table shows those types and key words used:
C++ Modular Programming & Compile Multi File Project
Compilers will compile each file to an object file(*.o) and the linker will link all the object files in the executable. This enables you to divide your program in logical modules across different files. This approach is called modular programming.
Reporting Services in SQL Server
Sql Server Reporting Services ( SSRS ) helps user creating and managing different reports using different available tools.
C++ Templates
Overloaded functions with different argument types and return values and same code or logic can be implemented using templates in C++ which will generate type dependent code
Cursors in SQL Server
The cursor in sql is pointer is used for accessing the data from a particular table. The information is accessed using the select statement.
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