Follow up marketing is a great way to improve your business sales. It offers a golden platform to increase the number of referrals in the online and offline platform. When you fail to do a regular follow up with your existing customers, you might often lose out critical business and the relationship might fade away in the long run. Follow up marketing is an essential marketing strategy which could improve the visibility of your business. There is a greater chance for the customers to forget your brand name owing to the number of competitors in the market. The consumers and customers receive a barrage of advertising messages through radio, tv, news papers, SMS, email etc. Despite all these factors, here are 3 ways to increase your sales employing effective follow up marketing. Thank You Email: A thank you email or a letter will bring a smile on their face. This is a great way to reach their doorstep after the business is confirmed. This will make your customer feel special and appreciated for doing business with you. It is important to grab the golden opportunities whenever possible and the customers should be informed about the updates and additional benefits periodically. It will be a good move to educate the customers on the best ways to maximize the use of the products. This also helps in expressing your gratitude towards the clients who have brought business to your company. Educate Your Customers: A good way to increase your sales through follow up marketing is by continuously educating the customer regarding the product information and often giving out recommendations to buy complimentary products that would work well. This will help you to stand apart from the crowd. It is very important to educate the customers which will help them to explore the products. This will further help them to unleash the potential of the product. It proves worth of every single penny spent on it. Send Periodic Messages: Make them remembered about your service and products through periodic messages. Remind them about renewable product dates and this will help you to sell more products by doing so. You are actually doing a favor to the customer by saving them from running out of the favorite product. This will definitely help them to save time and customers would be glad to accept your proposal and sales. It is also important not to bump their mail boxes with huge number of mails. An effective follow up marketing plan will include the ways to send email periodically and not on a daily basis. Stick To Persuasive Writing: It is very important to use persuasive content writing style when you do follow up marketing. It should be a part of your plan. It is this content which is going to act as the face of your marketing strategies. Hence, it should be apt and convincing. A pleasing content will definitely bring in more attention. A suggested usage of style of writing can be of this kind, “Hi John – I am confident. We can sit together and create an effective plan that can be tailored to meet your business requirements. We can build a plan that will help you to target your intended audience in a short span of time”. This kind of writing style is called persuasive and is highly recommended for business communication. Offer Special And Exclusive Discounts: Follow up marketing is one way to grab new business from the existing clients. Effective follow up marketing strategies will include plans to offer good amount of discounts on selected products to the existing customers. Make it exclusive for the existing customers so that people will take pride in buying the products. An exclusive offer to an elite set of customers will make them feel elated and will continue to contribute to your business. This gives them a special kind of feeling which will improve their customer loyalty. These people will come back to get more services from your firm in the long run. Inform About New Business Trends In Customer Business If you are engaged in offering your services to various business vendors, it is always a good plan to study about the different practices being followed in the market. This kind of study will help you to understand the space that is available to give extra services and products to your clients which will help them to take their business to the next level. Even a simple idea offered to the client which was not a part of your previous service might bring you new business. It is usually done through follow up marketing. This will enable you to have a close connection with the real customers. Business vendors need to have partners who can help them in doing business. They are in no mood to hire personnel and companies who can just get the money and render the service. A close level of interaction and working atmosphere is expected in the long run. Follow up marketing gives a golden opportunity to achieve this objective. Conclusion It is highly recommended to maintain the list of customers and the periodic dates to do the follow up process. A good practice is to segregate the customers according to the kind of follow up to be done. Messages and information should be communicated according to the priority of the business. This will in turn provide a great way to enhance your business prospects in the long run. Indirectly, this will enhance the user experience and keep them happy to be associated with your business. A suggested way of doing the business is to have a long term plan to be associated with the clients. This will help the business to be sustainable. A onetime relationship with client will no way help the business owners to reach the ultimatum.
Follow-up isn't just about selling; it's about building relationships that can ultimately lead to increased sales. Here's some important follow-up advice to keep in mind: * Do what you can. Don't take an all-or-nothing approach to following up. Doing something is better than nothing, so follow-up as frequently and as best as you can. * Don't ever ask yes-or-no questions. Ask who, what, when, how many, etc. to get prospects talking. Before you pick up the phone to make that follow-up call, write down three open-ended questions to ask prospects. If you start your call with an open-ended question, you'll be amazed at how easily the rest of the conversation flows. * Make sure the right person follows up. The person making the follow-up call should be the person who has worked with that company. Also keep in mind that there are certain calls that are more appropriate coming from inside customer service, an outside salesperson or the boss. * Space out your phone calls. Don't slot a long, uninterrupted time to make calls because your approach can become dull. Instead, place a call here and there to keep things fresh.
Hey Sarena, I should say its a valuable addition. Thank you for your efforts in sharing your views. Thanks a ton!
Thanks for these really valuable pieces of information. I'd add, relationship is the best element in these types of procedures. Just don't fake it.