To start with include namespaces Code: using System.Diagnostics; // For prcesss related information using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // For DLL importing Now declare these variables Code: private const int SW_HIDE = 0; Now declare win32 function ShowWindow Code: [DllImport("User32")] private static extern int ShowWindow(int hwnd, int nCmdShow); The above function accepts 2 parameters hWnd is handle of a window whose state we needs to be modified and nCmdShow contains integer value which denotes state. Here are the list of available states Code: SW_HIDE 0 SW_SHOWNORMAL 1 SW_NORMAL 1 SW_SHOWMINIMIZED 2 SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED 3 SW_MAXIMIZE 3 SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE 4 SW_SHOW 5 SW_MINIMIZE 6 SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE 7 SW_SHOWNA 8 SW_RESTORE 9 SW_SHOWDEFAULT 10 SW_FORCEMINIMIZE 11 SW_MAX 11 Now the main problem is how to get handle of a particular window. Its simple Process[] processRunning = Process.GetProcesses(); This will return array of all the processes. After this you can use foreach loop to iterate through each process in the array. Code: int hWnd; Process[] processRunning = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process pr in processRunning) { if (pr.ProcessName == "notepad") { hWnd = pr.MainWindowHandle.ToInt32(); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE); } } Note Remember that it will just Hide the notepad process and not kill it. You need to be killing all the notepad.exe's running in the background through task manager. If you even wish to kill the process use Code: pr.Kill(); inside the if block.
Okie, I have success hide the application into the process list. Any idea how to bring it back from the process list. In another word restore/show back the application. I have used the SW_RESTORE, it doesn't work.
Hi, I have two errors related to this: 1. The name 'ShowWindow' does not exist in the current context 2. The name 'SW_HIDE' does not exist in the current context Can you help me how to solve this, and what I did wrong? Thank you in advance!
I want able/ Disable local area connections (may be dial up or broadband) using C# How can I do that? I will be grateful if anyone help me
What about never letting another applications window pop up? I have a magic jack and when a call is being made, (outgoing or incoming) the interface window pops up and interrupts my video games or movies. I want to permanently force this window to be hidden.
Iam controlling UNITY and UBI soft games like minimizing and maximizing but its not its not working properly .. Ill import your code also but it is also not working .. plz can u help me